Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Support the Rock Creek Forest Elementary School Silent Auction!

Help enrich our school and students' educational opportunities by supporting the 9th annual Rock Creek Forest Elementary School (RCFES) silent auction. The 2014 RCFES Silent Auction will be held on the evening of Saturday, May 3, 2014, at Temple Shalom in Silver Spring, MD. There will be entertainment, great food, a sampling of services available in our community, and spectacular auction items! Have a wonderful time interacting with the families and community businesses at the auction while helping RCFES to attain our academic goals for this school year and beyond.


Early Bird Ticket: $35 (AVAILABLE UNTIL April 1, 2014)
Buy-a-"Brick" Ticket: $60 (includes special recognition at event)
RCFES Staff Event Ticket: $5

Please help us support RCFES PTA's efforts to enrich academic programming by being a sponsor of the May 3, 2014 RCFES Silent Auction.

Architects: $2,500
Recognition as the main event sponsor on all promotions materials (website, event signage, forms, etc.); Recognition at all major school events including the Spring Fair, Multicultural Night, Curriculum Night, exposure at event; 10 tickets; Full page ad in auction catalogue with priority placement (posted to auction website and distributed in hard copy at event)

Engineers: $1000
Recognition on all promotions materials (website, event signage, forms, etc.); 8 tickets; Half page ad in auction catalogue (posted to auction website and distributed in hard copy at event)

Foreman: $500
Recognition on all promotions materials (website, event signage, forms, etc); 6 tickets; Quarter page ad in auction catalogue with priority placement (posted to auction website and distributed in hard copy at event)

Mason: $250
Recognition on all promotions materials (website, event signage, forms, etc); 4 tickets; Business card sized ad in auction catalogue (posted to auction website and distributed in hard copy at event)

Construction Crew: $100
Recognition on all promotions materials (website, event signage, forms, etc); 2 tickets

Buy a "Brick": $60
1 ticket; Special recognition at the event